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Blake Dixon's showreel - a London based Post Production freelancer experienced in Commercials, Promos and Sports. To find out more about Blake and other freelance Post Production talent, please contact a member of the team.

Ralph Pereira-Adams' showreel - a London based Post Production freelancer experienced in Broadcast, Commercials and Factual Entertainment. To find out more about Ralph and other freelance Post Production talent, please contact a member of the team.

Jon Steiner's showreels - a London based Motion Graphics and Animation freelancer experienced in Broadcast, Commercials and Promos. To find out more about Jon and other freelance Motion Graphics and Animation talent, please contact a member of the team.

Janusz Murawski's showreel - a Sussex based Motion Graphics and Animation freelancer experienced in Broadcast, Commercials and Feature Films. To find out more about Janusz and other freelance Motion Graphics and Animation talent, please contact a member of the team.