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Mark Brown is the founder of Editors Keys and the creator of the shortcut keyboard, including the world's first backlit editing keyboards. Editors Keys produces a range of shortcut editing keyboards, Portable Vocal Booths, USB Studio Microphones and Training. The keyboard sets are used worldwide for the full range of DAW programs

Greg Holt is one of TCC's Video Playback Operators based in Manchester. He studied Media Technology at the University of Central Lancashire and has been in the industry since graduating in 2005. Greg has been doing playback on commercials and dramas for about 7 or 8 years but in the last 3 years he

Our talented freelancer and Avid/Premiere Editor, Stephen Mulholland, has been in Jordan for the Under 17s Women's World Cup, filming a series of promotional short films for FIFA. We catch up with him in post-production to talk through his experiences so far.   What are the expectations of this role & how