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To generalise, or to specialise, that is the question. We are sure it’s a common conundrum for our freelancers when deciding how to maximise their workload and become the best at what they do; will specialising in a particular skill get the most work, or will having a few skills

With the recent Taylor Review and the discussion of ‘gig economy’, our consultant Charlotte Carter looks at the Pros and Cons for ‘going freelance’ in the creative industry. Should I be a Freelancer? Being considered a freelancer or self-employed is becoming more prominent UK wide with 15% of the workforce

Our previous CV blog posts have looked at how a standard CV should look and examined how best to construct a CV for those without much experience. This blog will look at those who perhaps have too much experience for a standard two page CV and what to do with

Let's start with a top 10 quick reference guide! 1. 2. Stick to two pages 3. Make sure u splel check and dont use slang or emojis  D. Be consistent 5. Don’t repeat yourself 6. Make sure your hobbies are relevant 7. Don’t repeat yourself 8. I wouldn’t write really long sentences about what you’ve achieved, what you’ve

Previously we’ve looked at our top tips for showreels but we’ve decided to go back to basics and look at CVs. Similar to showreels, we look at hundreds of CVs every week, so we know when we see a good CV. We have previously given advice in one-to-one clinics at industry

Mark Brown is the founder of Editors Keys and the creator of the shortcut keyboard, including the world's first backlit editing keyboards. Editors Keys produces a range of shortcut editing keyboards, Portable Vocal Booths, USB Studio Microphones and Training. The keyboard sets are used worldwide for the full range of DAW programs