CV writing – How to use credits
Our previous CV blog posts have looked at how a standard CV should look and examined how best to construct a CV for those without much experience. This blog will look at those who perhaps have too much experience for a standard two page CV and what to do with
Recruitment panel: Prepare for graduation
Earlier this month, our Account Manager Laura Davis was invited to King's College London to feature on a panel of recruitment professionals to help prepare students for life after graduation. The topic of discussion centred around the challenges that face recent graduates in the creative sector. Laura greatly enjoyed the
BCU Film Freelancer Fair
TCC team members Caroline "CJ" Dalton and Elle Finn were invited along to Birmingham City University's first ever Film Freelancer Fair yesterday, and they had great fun. The emphasis of the event was to assist new entrants and novice workers entering the flexible labour market of the UK Film and TV
It’s Only For The Web…
With experience working with Rolls Royce, Cadbury, Markettiers and Gary Lineker, our award-winning broadcast producer and video director Darius Laws is used to creating video content of the highest standard. During his career, he has had his fair share of clients use the phrase 'it's only for the web
Careers Workshop – MAMA Youth Project
Earlier this week our Account Manager, Laura Davis, and Marketing Executive, Elle Finn, co-presented a career development workshop with TV and media industry expert Terry Smith at MAMA Youth Project in East London – and they loved it. MAMA Youth Project (MYP) aims to equip young people from 18-25 years of
Our top tips for creating your Showreel
So what makes a good showreel? This is quite subjective, as it often depends both on what you are looking to achieve and who your audience is. These aren’t strict rules to stick to but rather good guidelines to follow. I spoke with all of the team at The Crewing