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Freelancer Features

  /  Freelancer Features

As International Women’s Day approaches, we’re reaffirming our commitment to improving representation in the industry. We’re continuously working towards greater diversity on our books, but there’s still some imbalance when it comes to representation. We’re seeing a growing demand from clients for female crew, particularly for sensitive shoots and to ensure

In our commitment to supporting the professional growth and well-being of freelance talent, we've put together a selection of free training programs, grants, and other valuable opportunities that may interest you. We hope these resources help you develop new skills, advance your career, and navigate the challenges that come with

How did you develop an interest in the production field? What motivated you to pursue a career as a Digital Producer/Assistant Producer? My passion for creating media developed after experiencing homelessness in 2019 through making YouTube videos. I wanted to develop my media storytelling skills so completed the MAMA Youth