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Mark Brown is the founder of Editors Keys and the creator of the shortcut keyboard, including the world's first backlit editing keyboards. Editors Keys produces a range of shortcut editing keyboards, Portable Vocal Booths, USB Studio Microphones and Training. The keyboard sets are used worldwide for the full range of DAW programs

As Tennyson once said, 'bright and fierce and fickle is the South/ And dark and true and tender is the North'. Although TCC has a base in London, we also have consultants that recruit for the North of England too. Whilst they may be a bit biased towards the North

Darius Laws is an award-winning TCC Producer/Director who has experience working with Vodafone, HSBC and British Gas. He spends his time creating video content of the highest standard and here, he reflects on the implications when a client says they 'just need a little three minute video'

John West has been freelancing as an Art Director and Set Designer since 1987 when he left the theatre - he joined TCC in 2011. John is an expert in guiding the creation and delivery of complex production designs for major TV projects using VectorWorks, SketchUp and Photoshop. By collaborating with

TCC team members Caroline "CJ" Dalton and Elle Finn were invited along to Birmingham City University's first ever Film Freelancer Fair yesterday, and they had great fun. The emphasis of the event was to assist new entrants and novice workers entering the flexible labour market of the UK Film and TV

Jon Collins is our freelance Self Shooting P/D who has worked on projects for London Heathrow, Aldi and Macmillan Cancer Support. When he isn't on set or reviewing software, he likes to cook, cycle and canoe (but not at the same time!). For some time now, secure offloading software has been

With experience working with Rolls Royce, Cadbury, Markettiers and Gary Lineker, our award-winning broadcast producer and video director Darius Laws is used to creating video content of the highest standard. During his career, he has had his fair share of clients use the phrase 'it's only for the web