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Stefania Marangoni has been an Editor for over 20 years, 10 years of which were spent as Senior Lecturer in Editing at The London Film School (LFS). She is passionate about the construction of film and characters, and believes that you need both freedom and restriction to truly understand the art

TCC's freelance Camera Operator and Photographer Tom Chambers talks using hyperlapse for branded content and his behind-the-scenes projects for Xbox's Halo Wars 2 promotional campaign, PlayStation’s Nioh street art commission and Google Play’s Indie Games Contest. According to timelapse video producer Geoff Tompkinson's blog, the difference between a timelapse and

Greg Holt is one of TCC's Video Playback Operators based in Manchester. He studied Media Technology at the University of Central Lancashire and has been in the industry since graduating in 2005. Greg has been doing playback on commercials and dramas for about 7 or 8 years but in the last 3 years he

Darius Laws is an award-winning TCC Producer/Director who has experience working with Vodafone, HSBC and British Gas. He spends his time creating video content of the highest standard and here, he reflects on the implications when a client says they 'just need a little three minute video'

John West has been freelancing as an Art Director and Set Designer since 1987 when he left the theatre - he joined TCC in 2011. John is an expert in guiding the creation and delivery of complex production designs for major TV projects using VectorWorks, SketchUp and Photoshop. By collaborating with

With experience working with Rolls Royce, Cadbury, Markettiers and Gary Lineker, our award-winning broadcast producer and video director Darius Laws is used to creating video content of the highest standard. During his career, he has had his fair share of clients use the phrase 'it's only for the web