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Our previous CV blog posts have looked at how a standard CV should look and examined how best to construct a CV for those without much experience. This blog will look at those who perhaps have too much experience for a standard two page CV and what to do with

We are seeing a number of key technological developments emerging within the sphere of production and broadcast. We speak to an industry specific panel to discuss this topic: Brian Noonan – CEO, Broadcast Sim Marc Risby – CTO, Boxer Systems Steve Plunkett – CTO, Ericsson Darren Woolfson – Group Director of Technology, Pinewood Studios

Peter Reeve has spent over 10 years working in the media industry covering a wide range of genres and styles. He was one of our fabulous freelancers for almost 6 years before he decided to take the plunge and set up his own production company, RMV Productions. His creative drive

TCC's freelance Camera Operator and Photographer Tom Chambers talks using hyperlapse for branded content and his behind-the-scenes projects for Xbox's Halo Wars 2 promotional campaign, PlayStation’s Nioh street art commission and Google Play’s Indie Games Contest. According to timelapse video producer Geoff Tompkinson's blog, the difference between a timelapse and

Darius Laws is an award-winning TCC Producer/Director who has experience working with Vodafone, HSBC and British Gas. He spends his time creating video content of the highest standard and here, he reflects on the implications when a client says they 'just need a little three minute video'

We speak to creative agency BBD Perfect Storm's CEO, Jason Foo, on the importance of delivering stories effectively to an audience. As a key influencer within the industry, Jason founded BBD Perfect Storm with the belief that brands could build different and more powerful relationships with consumers. As CEO to a

With experience working with Rolls Royce, Cadbury, Markettiers and Gary Lineker, our award-winning broadcast producer and video director Darius Laws is used to creating video content of the highest standard. During his career, he has had his fair share of clients use the phrase 'it's only for the web

TCC freelancer and Director/Producer Martyn Gough outlines what he thinks it takes to produce effective branded content. “If I had a mantra for creating branded content it would be to give the audience something that they cannot discover about the brand in any other way.” says TCC Director and Producer, Martyn Gough. “I

We pride ourselves on our relationships with our clients and candidates and want to shout about all our exceptional talent that we represent. To get more exposure for our freelancers’ work and our clients’ projects, we want our social media presence to be stronger and more relevant. To do this, we